Friday 26 January 2024

Scavenger type words

There was a news article recently about mudlarks. It got me thinking of these various terms.
  1. Beachcomber (someone who walks along a beach looking for valuable or interesting items)
  2. Mudlark (someone who scavenfes in river mud lookiung forobjets of value)
  3. Scavenger (someone who searches for and collects discarded items)
  4. Forager (someone who searches widely for food or provisions)
  5. Treasure hunter (someone who searches for suken, buried, lost or hidden treasure and other artifacts)
  6. Scrounger (someone who searches about and turns up something needed from whatever source available)
  7. Rummager (someone who searches for soemthingdifficult to find among other things)
  8. Gatherer (someone who collects things or forages for them)
  9. Collecter (someone who collects objects togerher, ususally becasue they are valuable or interestng)
  10. Hoarder (someone who collects large amouonts of something and keeps it for themselves, often ina secret place)
(A detectorist is someone whose hobby is usinga metal detector to locate lost coins, etc)

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Items to collect on a fool's errand

George Orwell's Coming up for air includes a list of items for a fool's errand (new apprentices, etc). He only gives four examples. I start with his and then add others.

1. Ha'porth worth of penny stamps
2. Rubber hammer (my dad was sent for one of these and actually got one as they do exist, a glass hammer is a better alternative)
3. Left-handed screwdriver (or hammer or spanner)
4. Striped paint (also available in tartan)
5. A new bubble for the spirit level
6. Sparks for the grinder
7. Bucket of steam
8. Straight hook
9. Long weight/wait
10. Skirting board ladder
(Bags for a Dyson is more modern; sky hooks is an old one)

Thursday 11 January 2024

Respiratory Tract Infections

1. A common cold
2. Bronchitis (inflammation of the airways in the lungs, usually caused by an infection)
3. Sinusitis (swelling of the sinuses, usually caused by an infection)
4. Tonsillitis (an infection of the tonsils at the back of your throat)
5. Laryngitis (when your voice box or vocal cords become irritated or swollen)
6. Pharyngitis (an inflammation of the pharynx resulting in a sore throat)
7. Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs, usually caused by an infection)
8. Pleurisy (inflammation around the lungs, which causes sharp chest pain)
9. Influenza (highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever, severe aching and catarrh)
10. Asthma (a common lung condition that causes occasional breathing difficulties)

Izzard Words

Izzard (zed) Blizzard (severe snowstorm) Dizzard (foolish person) Gizzard (part of a bird's stomach) Lizard (reptile) Nizzard (someone f...